Friday, August 04, 2006

08.07.06 – What’s Important ‘Bout Canons, Kairos, and Isegoooooria

What are the three most significant things you've learned in this course, and how will you make use of them in your studies and/or work?

The most significant idea I learned in this course was the five canons. I find them inordinately (yes) useful as a model to develop both oral and written discourse. In some ways, the concepts presented within the canons are practices that we already use or practices that are pretty much common sense. However, to have them detailed as they are is of great worth. As to how I will use this concept, colour me inspired - I am seriously considering doing something with ancient rhetoric and new media (yes, podcasting) for my dissertation. In such, I would definitely address all of the canons.

Another significant concept I learned was that of the isegoria. Again, putting this in the realm of podcasting, I have long wanted to write a paper that discusses the egalitarian nature of podcasting, including both positive and negative outcomes of this condition (actual and potential). Under the guise that I wish to write on the application of ancient rhetoric in new media, this would be an excellent tie-in.

A third significant concept learned this semester is Kairos. Prior to the summer, I had a very cursor knowledge of the concept. The May workshop bulked that understanding a bit, but this course (and our readings) delved deeper into the actual theory, as well as how it applies to various other ideas.


At 1:45 PM, Blogger Alec said...

I was like you in that I didn't know much about Kairos. Good stuff!

You know what might be interesting is to do five different research projects, each using a different Canon as applied to podcasting. Once done, then you could do one large study comparing / constrasting them. Hmm...that's six papers already. Tenure here you come!

At 4:03 PM, Blogger Time said...

To Alec,

Indeed, my friend; I have already considered the five different projects, each addressing one of the canons and podcasting. In truth, it was quite difficult for me to keep this paper (Delivery and Podcasting) short enough for our assignment (I think I ended up at 24 pgs. So, I clearly have more to say on delivery; if I can accomplish that much material for each canon, whoa! - I've got like 150 page right there. Tie in a few other ancient ideas and it - sounds like the diss. might be on its way.


At 6:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the exelent information

I'll be back for sure.

Thanks again!

Have a safe and fruitful new year.

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