Friday, August 04, 2006

07.31.06 – Videos that Killed the Rhetoric Star

Peer Reviews

What Works:
I liked the more “live” visuals, it was a very different approach that the rest of us provided
What Could Improve: It would have helped for you to have been “mic-ed” a bit more. The audio quality was very low through the different scenes.
Extra Hmnnn: This could just be me (and I’m in no place to talk about technical difficulties on this assignment), but the video kept hangining on me. The audio would remain but the visual would give one still about every 20 seconds.

What Works:
Great illustrative visuals. The added to your argument and assisted with the presenation (as opposed to detracting or being irrelevant).
What Could Improve: Was this in video form and I missed it? Even as a straight PPT, it would have been good to have audio.
Extra Hmnnn: Some of the images, such as the Dragga/Napolean images were not legible. For some, I think it if fine, and we get the idea. For that one, I felt I was missing something by not being able to see the image in detail.

What Works:
You thoroughly covered the material and kept it engaging with short slides. Very nice
What Could Improve:
Extra Hmnnn: I definitely like the CEO assignment – that it extends through multiple assignments.

What Works:
Many aspects covered in a short period
What Could Improve: Two of the slides were rather long with nothing happening on-screen.
Extra Hmnnn: Definitely needed to cite the sources.

What Works:
The short slides with nice spacing and the bi-colored texts that help organize the concepts.
What Could Improve: While not essential, I would have like to have had some sound.
Extra Hmnnn: It was interesting that it was told first person perspective of Aris.

What Works:
Very nice explanation of commonplaces, particularly tying it into contemporary use
What Could Improve: To be honest, he interspersed music actually became annoying.
Extra Hmnnn: I like the use of recent ads and images to support your points.

What Works:
Excellet point in tying the agora to common uses, such as virtual marketplaces and Blogs
What Could Improve: While I liked the inclusion of “Floyd” running throughout, I find that music with lyrics can be distracting when trying to read.
Extra Hmnnn: Hmnnnn

What Works:
I liked the simple, direct presentation – easy for students to follow.
What Could Improve: At some points, there were, perhaps, too many images flashing w/o any text. Images are great, especially when they’re illustrative. However, sometimes, selected stock imagry w/o text is non-specific and not as helpful, visually, as intended.
Extra Hmnnn: Breaking down thicker ideas with common concepts (who, what, where, etc.) is very effective.

What Works:
Very nice pace and vocal delivery.
What Could Improve: Perhaps some more images to keep the audience interested (breaking up the text). However, you keep your slides so short, it keeps the audience engaged, so the additional of more images is really not essential.
Extra Hmnnn: The intro w/your mug had a sort of intimidating angle.
Shoofly Pie?

What Works:
Very nice pace and smooth, calm, consistent voice.
What Could Improve: Some of the video flashes were so fast, I could not make out what it was … short of knowign it had the professor fellow in it.
Extra Hmnnn: I know I will be a sheep and part of the obvious question – but do tell of the little scientist fellow.

What Works:
Very nice, clear definition of imitatio. You voice remained calm and even throughout.
What Could Improve: I few of the slides seemed to stay on-screen too long w/o much going on.However, I am Very guilty of that in my presentation, as well.
Extra Hmnnn: I am interested and will look up Patchwork writing.


At 9:50 AM, Blogger Rich said...

Very good notes here; thorough, and helpful. Thanks for posting.


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