06.05.06 - Classical Rhetoric in the Contomporary World
What is the value of classical rhetoric in today's contemporary world? In your profession?
In considering the value of classical rhetoric in the contemporary world, there are a number ways in which we can see such value. One valuable, contemporary use of rhetoric is in academia. The fact that we are in a classical rhetoric course suggests that there is still value in learning and discussing this topic. Such classical theories form the foundation of more current philosophical and rhetorical theories (as I’m sure we will learn this semester).
Additionally, classical theories on rhetoric can help us to understand the rhetoric that we experience (and use) daily. We witness and experience rhetoric daily in the news, advertising, and in interactions with coworkers, peers, family members, et cetera. To whatever extent these individuals are aware of the rhetoric that they are using, there is a style and, generally, a rhetorical method to the way in which they are communication information.
Although such theories are deemed “ancient” does not mean that they hold no value today for shaping our own rhetorical abilities. We get into discussions and debates, we compose oral and written arguments as letters or articles, and we even resolve disputes. Of course, there are various roles in our society, such as attorney or politician (no large change from classical rhetoric there) that perform these tasks more than others. But knowing how to effectively construct an argument toward any of these goals is a benefit to anyone. This is so because, in building an effective argument, it is still essential to find the best language, style, and approach to suit a given situation.
Therefore, the final value I will note here is that classical rhetorical theories are still relevant to provide us with heuristic models that we can apply to building our arguments. For example, the application of the five basic canons of rhetoric: invention, arrangement, style, memory, and delivery, is a fully valid and excellent way to structure the building process of a presentation, article, report, etc.
The value of classical rhetoric in my profession essentially mirrors the points I have raised above. As a collegiate instructor, a detailed understating of classical rhetoric would place me in an excellent position to use those theories within a technical communication course or as a stand-alone course on rhetoric. Additionally, the study of classical rhetoric can assist me in understanding the rhetoric in the world around me and use insights there in my class(es). Finally, I can follow more applicable guides (such as the five cannons of rhetoric) to build my own presentations within a course.
The points I have addressed above do seem to merely brush the surface of contemporary applications. As I read additional texts of classical rhetoric, I continually associate point made there to current/recent events in the news, in my own life, or in other areas, such as advertising. I am thoroughly looking forward to the rest of this semester and to further reading of the texts on our list.
On June 26, I will be presenting on Plato’s Phaedrus.
I think these classical theories are indeed foundational to higher education in particular, especially when think about stasis theory or what an argument is, or in thinking about audience.
It's a way of seeing. Think about this from an administrative perspective. If as an admin you realize that there are always two sides, and that there are ways to really get at "the stand" or commonplace, then you'll have more success at managing disagreements.
I agree with your point about the relevance of the canons in everything we do in English, too.
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